USA Top Secret: FBI vs. Martin Luther King
FBI vs. Martin Luther King

Sa, 15.03.2025 | 00:05 - 01:00
Geschichte (USA 2021)
Mit seiner charismatischen Persönlichkeit, rhetorischer Brillanz und einem von Gandhi inspirierten Konzept des gewaltfreien Protests ermöglicht Martin Luther King in den 1950er und 60er Jahren politische Meilensteine wie den Voting Rights Act. Doch zeitgleich führt FBI-Chef J. Edgar Hoover einen geheimen Kreuzzug gegen King, den er als Kommunisten verdächtigt. Drei Jahre nach der Ermordung Kings kommen durch einen Einbruch in ein FBI-Büro die illegalen Machenschaften der Behörde ans Licht.
- Leon Isaac Kennedy (Self - Actor & Civil Rights Activist)
- Keith Rice (Self - Historian, CSUN)
- Ben Kamin (Self - Author, Dangerous Friendship)
- David Garrow (Self - Historian and Pulitzer Prize Winner)
- Tim Weiner (Self - Author, A History of the FBI, Pulitzer Prize Winner)
- Richard Hack (Self - Author, Puppetmaster)
- Betty Medsger (Self - Author, The Burglary: The Discovery of J. Edgar Hoover's Secret FBI)
- Phillip F. Nelson (Self - Author, Who Really Killed Martin Luther King Jr.)
- Ted Hayes (Self - Civil Rights Activist)
- Noelle Trent (Self - Director of Interpretation, National Civil Rights Museum)
- Stuart Wexler (Self - Author, Killing King)
- Dwight D. Eisenhower (Self - 34th President of the United States)
- J. Edgar Hoover (Self - Director of the FBI)
- Lyndon Johnson (Self - 36th President of the United States)
- Clarence B. Jones (Self - Attorney, Speechwriter for Martin Luther King, Jr)
- John F. Kennedy (Self - 35th President of the United States)
- Robert F. Kennedy (Self - Attorney General of the United States)
- Martin Luther King (Self - Civil Rights Leader)
- Stanley Levison (Self - Civil Rights Attorney)
- Rosa Parks (Self - Civil Rights Icon)
- James Earl Ray (Self - Martin Luther King, Jr's Assassin)
- William C. Sullivan (Self - Director of FBI's Domestic Intelligence Operations)
- Harry S. Truman (Self - 33rd President of the United States)
- FSK 12