Unerklärliche Phänomene – Ancient Aliens
Die Kristallschädel

Di, 01.04.2025 | 14:55 - 15:40
Außerirdische (USA 2013)
Falls außerirdische Kreaturen die Erde schon seit Anbeginn unserer Zeitrechnung besuchen, welchen Einfluss haben sie auf den Verlauf unserer Geschichte, auf die Geographie der Erde und die Evolution der Menschheit? Die Doku-Reihe versucht, Antworten auf diese Fragen zu finden – anhand wissenschaftlicher Expertisen und intensiver Feldforschung.
- David Childress (Self - Author: The Crystal Skulls)
- Philip Coppens (Self - Author, The Lost Civilization Enigma)
- Michael Dennin (Self - Prof. of Physics and Astronomy, U.C. Irvine)
- John DeSalvo (Self - Author, Power Crystals)
- Carolyn Ford (Self - Guardian of the 'Einstein' Crystal Skull)
- Michael Hamson (Self - Oceanic Art Historian)
- William Henry (Self - Author, The Judgment Day Device)
- Heinrich Himmler (Himself)
- Adolf Hitler (Himself)
- Jamie Jones (Self - Aura Photographer)
- Sabina Magliocco (Self - Folklorist, California State Univ., Northridge)
- Chris Morton (Self - Author, The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls)
- Hugh Newman (Self - Author, Earth Grids)
- George Noory (Self - Radio Host, Coast to Coast AM)
- Richard Rader (Self - Lecturer of Classics, UCSB)
- Nick Redfern (Self - Author, The World's Weirdest Places)
- Robert Schoch (Self - Author, Forgotten Civilization)
- Deepak Shimkhada (Self - Professor of Hindu Studies, Claremont Graduate University)
- Ken Storch (Self - Paranormal Investigator)
- Giorgio A. Tsoukalos (Himself)
- Erich von Däniken (Self - Author, Chariots of the Gods)
- Sherry Whitfield (Self - Guardian of the 'Synergy' Crystal Skull)
- David Wilcock (Self - Author, The Source Field Investigations)
- Jonathan Young (Self - Founding Curator, Joseph Campbell Archives)
- Robert Clotworthy (Narrator)
- Simon Allix (Self: Narrator)
- FSK 12
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