Unerklärliche Phänomene – Ancient Aliens
Die Quelle des Göttlichen
Di, 14.01.2025 | 05:25 - 06:05
Außerirdische (USA 2015)
Falls außerirdische Kreaturen die Erde schon seit Anbeginn unserer Zeitrechnung besuchen, welchen Einfluss haben sie auf den Verlauf unserer Geschichte, auf die Geographie der Erde und die Evolution der Menschheit? Die Doku-Reihe versucht, Antworten auf diese Fragen zu finden – anhand wissenschaftlicher Expertisen und intensiver Feldforschung.
- Brien Foerster (Self - Author, Elongated Skulls of Peru and Bolivia: The Path of Viracocha)
- David Wilcock (Self - Author, The Synchronicity Key)
- William Leonard (Self - Chair of Dept. of Anthropology, Northwestern University)
- Tok Thompson (Self - Professor of Anthropology, USC)
- Peter Ward (Self - Professor of Paleontology, Univ. of Washington)
- Marcia Moore (Self - Forensic 3D Artist)
- Giorgio A. Tsoukalos (Self - Publisher, Legendary Times Magazine)
- David Childress (Self - Author, Technology of the Gods)
- Gage Crump (Self - Associate Professor of Stem Cell Biology, USC)
- Dominic Steavu (Himself - Assistant Professor of Religious Studies UCSB (as Dominic Steavu Ph.D.))
- William Henry (Self - Author)
- Jason Martell (Self - Author, Knowledge Apocalypse)
- Nick Redfern (Self - Author, Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind)
- Jonathan Young (Self - Founding Curator, Joseph Campbell Archives)
- Kirsten Fisher (Self - Associate Professor of Biology, Cal State Los Angeles)
- Anne Friedlander (Self - Senior Research Scholar, Stanford Center on Longevity)
- Nickolay Lamm (Self - Graphic Artist)
- Julio C. Tello (Self - Archaeologist)
- Robert Clotworthy (Narrator)
- FSK 12